Thursday, January 27, 2011

Option #2

            The first thoughts about the book Generation Me was that this book was either aimed for either white men who just thought that the book was going to be about women, or it was aimed for young women.  After reading the first three sections of the book it has come to be aimed to both young men and young women of this particular generation.  I had thought about some of the same issues that Twenge talks about how this new generation takes things they have for granted and thinks that is supposed to be handed to them.  I had to work for everything that I got and was taught that if I wanted to make the grade and pass classes then I had to do the school work.  Nothing was handed to me.  Furthermore the fact that Twenge talks about with how the young people today dress is way different from what it was sixty years ago, I would have to agree on the fact that it is more about being comfortable but there are definite times that someone should dress up for the occation.  I would have to agree with Twenge when she talks about dancing becoming more of a one person event.  People anymore do not know how to dance (that goes for me as well).  Today’s world is much different.  Used to be when you got a woman pregnant you would marry her.  This day and age many men leave the expected mother before the baby is born, and leave her to raise the child on her own.  Divorce is also considered to be normal by today’s standards.  Thirty years ago divorce was a word that was not talked about very much because it did not happen very often, now most marriages end in divorce.  This generation has been taught that these issues are okay and not to worry about them and that is personally sad to see.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Patrick,

    I'm glad that you have chosen to discuss the second option for this post. While you begin with the audience awareness of this post, you move toward analysis -- which is the question for option three. I would encourage you to revisit the questions in the syllabus. Look at what I ask.

    Let's focus now on what you have written: The second question in the syllabus asks you to:

    "Revisit our conversation about audience awareness and Twenge's GenMe. Based on your first held assumption looking only at the cover, ignore the text, who would you identify as the target demographic and why? AFter reading the first three sections of GenMe, how has or has not your first assumptions changed? Draw supporting evidence from either the cover and/or details from the book to support your argument."

    You recall some of what Twenge has talked about. Clarify for me -- is this supporting evidence as you say that the audience for GenMe is aimed at young men and women OR are you applying what she has said to your life. In turn, clarify for me if this is your analysis of some of the topics in GenMe.
